Reading, writing and syntactic structures
Guido Nottbusch
Presentation held at the 1st Workshop of COST Action IS0703, ERN-Learning to Write Effectively, 5. – 7. April 2009, Barcelona.
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Studies on written sentence production may bridge the gap between both 'worlds' and combine the controllability of single word typing with syntactically complex sentences. Therefore, a quick review of the findings from single word studies which are of relevance to sentence production will be given first, followed by a summary of the few publications on written sentence production and some insights from composing studies. As interkey intervals are only one window into analysing the cognitive processes active during sentence production, eye movement data can serve as a secondary channel of peripheral motor-behaviour data. The first steps in this direction are therefore summarised. A final line of research that can shed light on the cognitive processes during sentence production, and also on methodological questions, is represented by a number of papers on spoken sentence production.
Questions to discuss:
- What is the size of the processing unit?
- At which points in production is it planned, executed and controlled?
- Are different syntactic structures planned, executed and controlled in different ways?
