Timing in the written production of German compounds
Presentation held at the 25th Annual Meeting
of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS) in Munich, February
2003: "Sprache
- Wissen - Wissenschaft". Workshop: Explaining
Productivity, Chair: Peter
Bosch & Anke
Guido Nottbusch & Ruediger Weingarten: Timing
in the written production of German compounds
Abstract: The investigation of written
word production gives many insights in processes that occur
whilst a word is being written. Especially in morphologically
complex words the relationship between compositional word production
and whole retrieval can be clarified.
In previous studies (Will
et al., 2002, Will
et al., under review) we found that the time course of typing
correlates closely
with their linguistic structures: The duration of inter-keystroke
intervals (IKIs) was significantly longer when a syllable commenced
with the following key and was longest when the key at the
same time marked the beginning of a new morpheme (SM-type IKIs).
The latter were influenced by word frequencies, indicating
lexical dependencies. These effects were stable under various
conditions (written, oral and pictorial stimulus) and in different
languages (English, German). Therefore we conclude that the
input into the motor system is composed of sub-word units instead
of fully specified words. Accordingly this methods allows to
investigate productive processes during word writing. We will
here present the results of experiments investigating the influence
of different types of morphemes on the time course of word
In Experiment 1 we compared in German words (a) prefix onsets
(e.g. <vor+ent+halten> [to deprive] and stem onsets (e.g. <Meer+enge> [strait]
and (b) suffix onsets (e.g. <Heiter-keit> [cheerfulness])
and again stem onsets [e.g. <Wasser-krug> [water jug]).
The results yielded significant differences in delays only
between stem and suffix onsets. This is discussed in a frame
and filler concept, assuming that stems and prefixes open a
new subword frame, whereas suffixes belong to the same subword
frame as the preceding stem.
In Experiment 2 we examined the recent results concerning the
differences between absolute and relative word frequencies
in relation to productivity (Hay, 2000). Therefore we selected
German compounds and prefixed words that have (a) a high surface
frequency of the complex form but low relative frequency of
the second part (e.g. <Gast-geber> [host]), possibly
indicating that these words are retrieved as a whole, resulting
in relatively short IKIs. Furthermore we contrasted the measured
SM-IKIs with (b) words with a low absolute frequency but a
high frequency of the stem morpheme beginning at the SM-boundary
(e.g. <Blut-gruppe> [blood group]), probably being composed
on-line, leading to relatively long IKIs. Significantly increased
latencies at morpheme onsets were found only in low frequency
items with relatively higher base frequency. This is interpreted
as an effect of compositional word production.
In a further study we investigated the relationship between
semantic compositionality, word and subword frequencies and
the time course of word production. Productivity is then
discussed in a model of hierarchichally ordered word frames
and segmental
Hay, Jennifer B. (2000). Causes
and Consequences of Word Structure. Diss., Northwestern University.
Will, Udo, Weingarten,
Ruediger, Nottbusch, Guido, & Albes,
Christian. (2002). Linguistische
Rahmen und segmentale Informationen bei der Einzelwortschreibung. Evidenzen
aus Zeitstrukturen und Fehlerverteilungen. In: Habel, Christopher;
Pechmann, Thomas,
Sprachproduktion. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.
Will, Udo,
Weingarten, Ruediger, Nottbusch, Guido, & Albes,
Christian (under review). Linguistic
units, hierarchies and dynamics of written language production.
